From June 2015 all practices are required to provide all their patients with a named GP who will have overall responsibility for the care and support that our practice provides.
This will not impact your experience at the practice, the provision of appointments, your treatment, or which GP you can see.
You may wonder why your named GP is not necessarily the one you see most regularly. Please be assured that you can still access all of our medical team in exactly the same way as before.
This does not prevent you from seeing any GP in the practice, as you may currently choose to do so. Neither does it guarantee you will see your named GP every time you visit the surgery or give you priority access over other patients to your named GP.
Please note that the GP responsible for your care may be subject to change and reallocation in the future.
The named GP will:
- Take lead responsibility for ensuring that all appropriate services required under the contract with the practice are delivered to you
- Where required, based on the professional judgement of the named GP, work with relevant associated health and social care professionals to deliver a multidisciplinary care package that meets your needs
- Ensure that your physical and psychological needs are recognised and responded to by the relevant clinicians in the practice
- Ensure that patients over 75 years of age have access to a health check if requested, which is already a requirement of the GP contract regulations
The practice will ensure that there is a named GP assigned to each patient. If you want to know who your named GP is, please ask our reception team when you contact us next.
New patients will be allocated a GP at the time of registration.
If a patient requests a particular GP, reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate this, recognising that there are occasions when the practice may not feel the patient’s preference is suitable.