The Practice Publication Scheme
A publication scheme requires an authority to make information available to the public as part of its normal business activities. The scheme lists information under seven broad classes, which are:
- Who we are and what we do
- What we spend and how we spend it
- What our priorities are and how we are doing it
- How we make decisions
- Our policies and procedures
- Lists and registers
- The services we offer
This information is available on our Practice Website, The NHS Website (formerly NHS Choices) and upon request from the Surgery.
Who can request information?
Under the Freedom of Information Act, any individual, anywhere in the world, is able to make a request to a Practice for information. An applicant is entitled to be informed in writing, by the Practice, whether the Practice holds information of the description specified in the request and if that is the case, have the information communicated to him. An individual can request information, regardless of whether he/she is the subject of the information or affected by its use.
How should requests be made?
Requests must:
- Be made in writing (this can be electronically eg, email)
- State the name of the applicant and an address for correspondence
- Describe the information requested
What cannot be requested
- Personal data about staff and patients covered under Data Protection Act
For more information see these websites: